CBD for Anxiety
Discover the Best CBD oils and products against Anxiety in Canada
CBD is commonly used to treat symptoms of depression, social anxiety, daily stress and more.
CBD Oil for Anxiety
Anxiety complaints affect more individuals than you think. When someone has an anxiety disorder, it affects everything in the life of such an individual. Such a person will continuously think about the worst imaginable situation, the individual will get nervous about anything with his/her mind running randomly.
Antidepressants are the drugs commonly prescribed to treat anxiety. These class of drugs is addictive and they are associated with a wide range of side effects. It is necessary to have a natural alternative for anxiety patients; hence, it is necessary to turn to CBD oil.
Do you want to take CBD oil for anxiety? Here are the major reasons why CBD oil benefits people with anxiety disorders.
Does CBD help with Anxiety?
CBD is becoming more familiar as an alternative to treating anxiety instead of using pharmaceuticals. This is why many people are becoming more interested in how to use CBD properly to get the best out of its benefits.
Doing research on the benefits of CBD before beginning to use the supplement will help with getting the most effectiveness out of your product of choice. It is amazing to see a growing number of studies available on CBD which proves that CBD can help with anxiety and can help make your decision about using CBD for anxiety easier.
CBD for Social Anxiety Issues
There are different variations of anxiety disorders that people may suffer from. Some have chronic concerns that can be triggered by different issues while others primarily suffer from anxiety in social situations.
Research has shown that CBD products have helped people with anxiety in social settings. One study done in 2019 from Japan concluded that teenagers with social anxiety have experienced an improvement in their anxiety after taking CBD products. The findings were promising; however, one disadvantage of the study was the fact that the participant’s blood levels were not tested, which would have provided further results in the absorption of CBD in the bloodstream.
Identifying how CBD can benefit not only adults but teenagers under the age of 18 can help the government understand how CBD is not a harmful substance and is supplemental for a wide range of age groups to help improve anxiety. This could be a game changer for the treatment of anxiety in teenagers and young adults who do not want to take prescription medication.
Cbd Appears to Treat Both Severe and Mild Anxiety Disorders
As mentioned before, many people experience anxiety to a variety of degrees. There is a spectrum of anxiety where some may suffer on a mild level and others can have crippling, chronic anxiety that can interfere with their daily lives.
CBD has been proven to help those with different levels of anxiety problems. A study done in 2015 by the New York University School of Medicine showed that CBD can be used to treat anxiety such as general anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and many other mental health issues that lead to anxiety.
How Long Does Cbd Take to Work for People with Anxiety Problems?
As stated before, there is plenty of research and resources that provide strong evidence that CBD helps treat anxiety problems. If new to CBD, there are still some questions that need to be answered when trying to find the right product to begin using. One of the more important questions is how long it will take to experience the positive health benefits.
Anxiety and Different Anxiety Disorders
Most individuals feel stress several times in their lives. But an anxiety illness is totally different. An anxiety disorder is an illness that consistently leaves someone in a nervous, paranoid, and stressed condition. This can stop anyone from enjoying their healthy and normal life.
The major types of anxiety disorders include:
• Panic disorder
• Social anxiety
• Generalized anxiety
Some other serious anxiety disorders are:
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
There are few treatment options for these conditions, and several anxiety patients have to take antidepressants and other medicines with serious side effects.
How CBD Treats Anxiety
The use of CBD oil for anxiety involves processes which encourage relaxation and happiness. Even though the compound is not psychoactive, users of CBD will get a small calming feeling in contradiction to an intense high feeling.
But there’s an explanation for this feeling. CBD decreases the number of neurons in the hippocampus area of the brain. When the brain is unable to produce a sufficient number of neurons, the hippocampus fires more neurons which leads to anxiety.
CBD stops the hippocampus from generating neurons and allows very few but tougher neurons to be active in the brain. This will normalize brain functions and it relieves anxiety. When using CBD, the cause of the happy feeling is that many people benefit from the effect of CBD on the brain.
Furthermore, CBD activates adenosine receptors. These receptors trigger both dopamine and glutamate. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that controls our emotions but stimulates our pleasure and reward emotions. On the other hand, an increased level of glutamate can boost memory function, and cognition and it increases our learning ability. Both of these neurotransmitters decrease anxiety, increase our levels of pleasure and manage both our thoughts and emotions. In addition, CBD can activate serotonin which is another important neurotransmitter.
A low level of serotonin is associated with anxiety and depression. Most antidepressant drugs function by increasing serotonin, but CBD works in a harmless way.
How to Take CBD Oil
CBD oil for anxiety is commonly used in three major ways:
- Topically application
- Swallowing
- Inhaling as Vapor
Topical application
Topical application is normally used for individuals with pain and skin conditions. Anxiety patients get the major benefits of CBD when they swallow and inhale CBD oil.
For our CBD oil, just place a few drops of oil on a coil and breathe it in. The quantity of CBD oil to use can be done with the trial and error method. Follow the directions on the package, and then increase the amount of CBD you are using if you think you need more.
Since the inhalation of CBD is not harmful, you can inhale as much as you think you need.
One of the major benefits of inhaling CBD is that you will instantly feel the impact of the oil. To get the effect of CBD on your cells, it needs to circulate in your bloodstream. When CBD is absorbed into your lungs, the CBD gets into your bloodstream almost instantly.
Most people prefer taking CBD orally. Swallowing is easy and straightforward. This won’t take much of your time, CBD oil must pass via the digestive system to get into the bloodstream. This process takes around one hour. Since more quantity of CBD gets to your bloodstream through this process, its impact will last longer.
There are few options when swallowing CBD oils, it can be consumed as a tincture, pill, spray, and edibles.
Take CBD Oil for Anxiety
Anxiety disorders cause nervousness and fear in patients. This can really affect the daily activities of anxiety patients. But anxiety disorders are caused by the imbalance of neurotransmitters and neurons in the nervous system.
Several patients are skeptical about using products of marijuana for mental and physical well-being. But CBD oil offers many health benefits without the psychoactive effects. When you take CBD oil for anxiety, the symptoms will reduce over time. CBD oil is a natural and safe option for common antidepressants.
Based on the research discussed as well as other studies that have been conducted, researchers and healthcare professionals have yet to identify standardized dosing recommendations for CBD therapy.
In a 2019 study, for example, researchers found that 300-600 mg of CBD made a big difference in reducing anxiety symptoms in 57 adult males.
Therefore, there is no cookie-cutter answer as to what dose is best to start with or what dosing can be right for you. CBD is experimentation and more studies need to be done to establish proper dosing. The dosage that a person will start to take to relieve their anxiety will depend on the CBD product and how it is administered. Why this is important because each administration has a different absorption rate.
Absorption rate is how much out of that dose is being absorbed by the body and how long exactly it will take for your body to feel the effects.
It is recommended that people who suffer from anxiety should begin using oral CBD products like CBD oil to relieve anxiety throughout the day. Taking oral CBD products is great for absorption because CBD is fat-soluble, and this will help to improve absorption.
For faster absorption which results in quick effectiveness, smoking or vaping CBD oil and juices can offer immediate relaxation for those suffering from anxiety in social settings and need instant relief at an event like giving a speech.
* cbd2go.co does not intend to give this as professional medical advice. Do not attempt to self-diagnose, or prescribe treatment based on the information provided on this page. Always consult your physician before making any decision on the treatment of a medical condition.
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